Product Maintenance

Breakdown of LED backlit display advertising is true

In the video field, the screen is a basic measure of the quality of the product showed that all indexes of the. However, the majority of consumers do not have much chance to show the in-depth understanding of technology, often just before buying online through simple survey data, manufacturers and businessmen advertising oral presentation to get product information. In this market model, a lot of businesses to explore the business opportunities, they can often rely on the overwhelming advertising to seek their own best interests.

This are currently being advertised led backlit display hot in these too much publicity, exaggerate the advantages of ranks. First of all, the author wants to recognize that the civil LED backlight LCD has the following advantages: low power consumption, small volume, small heat, low radiation, long life and so on. Although there are so many advantages, but LED display technology and people have many shortcomings and shortcomings.

Below, the author is revealed in the overwhelming publicity in the virtual, not even is made up of LED product information and publicity, and introduced to the seven deadly sins form to everyone, in the hope that we can objectively see the LED backlight display technology in the field of.

Sin: white LED confused with OLED

I will not hesitate to misunderstanding the publicity generated in the first place. Low power consumption, slim and good color, which is the eyes of many consumers in the civil LED backlight advantage, is this true?

From CCFL to LED, from various manufacturers propaganda, the advantage of the LED is to improve the image quality and make the display thinner two. The author points out: these two advantages from the two different LED technology, that is, the advantages of the two will not exist at the same time on a display.

Improve the quality of the is RGB-LED, it is through the red green and blue LED into white light, with roughly three band fluorescent lamp with respect to the mechanism of common fluorescent lamp is similar, not the old people say narrow spectrum? I'll spell it with a third color. The display of this technology is directly under the arrangement (that is, the vertical distribution of light-emitting elements behind the LCD panel). The advantage is that the color gamut of the RGB-LED backlight can be far more than the NTSC color gamut, reaching the true light color domain. The disadvantage is that power consumption (three primary color synthesis), large volume (direct irradiation), expensive (often professional display will be applied).

Thin white LED is nowadays just red (W-LED) backlight, which mainly uses it is civilian level LED display. To say something funny, in order to produce a continuous spectrum, and not by the W-LED White Light Electroluminescent produced, but made a circle, the electroluminescent blue light excitation phosphor package generated inside the LED light. In simple terms, it is very similar to the traditional CCFL backlight technology. Just as a catalyst is a high pressure produced by ultraviolet light, one is the internal light-emitting diodes produced by the blue light (UV). Therefore, it is also on the color gamut of the best.

At this time, the truth has surfaced. White LED and RGB-LED ultra low power consumption, wide color gamut, good color is the advantage of each other, and introduces some advantages of the civil LED display color gamut in the advertisement is only interpret out of context!

Two or three sin: LED display with low heating and long service life

Compared with the light effect, spectrum, LED advantage in life is the most no objection. The life cycle of tens of thousands of hours to warlords. But there is a premise of longevity: the use of temperature and current must be controlled within a reasonable range.

= low power low fever? The answer was No.

LED is a luminous decay. Depends on the design of the current, heat, there is the quality of the LED itself. The life of the natural enemies are heat dissipation, general LED junction temperature can not exceed 80 degrees, otherwise the life is greatly shortened. This is very different from the working temperature of semiconductor devices in 150 degrees. Now most of the LED package is basically 1, aluminum substrate, 2, ceramic substrate. Must have good thermal coupling with the radiator when in use. The direct cause of high temperature is high current overclocking because of the price difference between different specifications LED far, some manufacturers in order to make the LED more bright, artificially increase the current. The current is inversely proportional to the light effect, and the current increases from 350mA to 1A, and the light efficiency decreases from 100lm/w to less than 50lm/w, and the excess energy is apparently distributed in the form of heat.

Therefore, commercial grade LED display in order to achieve long life often sacrifice the brightness, and even can be said that low brightness is one of its weaknesses, and if you see a LED display a low-cost highlighted, so you must be careful.

Sin four: big visual angle

Actually, there is no obvious difference between CCFL and LED backlight backlight and wide viewing angle, viewing angle if consumers are very concerned about the display, may wish to purchase before we look at the visual angle of evaluation parameters and evaluation.

Sin five: choose it low price

Currently circulating on the Internet saying: it is your tens or one hundred or two hundred yuan of money, rather than buy a newer LED backlit display. However, the author to correct the concept or word of mouth advertising, for different display, LED backlight and CCFL backlight is the difference will be very different, and compared with other properties, it is not the only choice LED.

The most stingy idea to test

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