Title: Xinjin County Family Planning Bureau inquiry purchasing a number of audio, LED-display.cnLEDw.com/ >LED electronic display announcement
Bid No.: XJZFCG-2009-18-20
Announcement date: February 17, 2009
Closing date: February 20, 2009
Tendering agency: Xinjin County Family Planning Bureau
Province: Sichuan - Chengdu
Title: procurement announcement Title: Xinjin County Family Planning Bureau inquiry purchasing a number of audio, electronic display notice
Project Name: Xinjin County Family Planning Bureau inquiry purchasing a number of audio, electronic display
Preliminary notice: no
Procurement: inquiry procurement
Bid No.: XJZFCG-2009-18-20
Announcement date: February 17, 2009 9:53
Administrative divisions: Chengdu - Xinjin County
Number of packages: 3
Number: 1
Package description: Oasis single red LED display
Number: 2
Package description: SURRYPW18B power amplifier
SURRY1-110C speaker
Wireless microphone
Domestic audio support
Professional aviation cabinet
Liansheng power cord
Video channel
Junction box
Multiple PVC tube
Number: 3
Package description: NECNP400C projector
As the curtain of good /100
Jin Hang Hang
Li Hong distributor
Bidder qualification requirements: according to the relevant provisions of the agreement to supply the city of Chengdu, in the scope of supply agreement, I only accept in my center for the city of Chengdu Xinjin County protocol local suppliers and supplier's quotation, not in our center for registration of the supplier is required to provide proof of qualification materials in the quotation before (business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, authorization) to my original center audit, keep the copies.
All the goods in the package shall be quoted at one time, and shall not be changed. Fax quotation, or seal submission to my center.
Inquiry documents on sale
Closing date: February 20, 2009 11 at 0 points
Company name: Xinjin County Family Planning Bureau contact: Zhan Qing
Tel: 028-82520017
Contact: mack
Phone: 13332979793
E-mail: mack@archled.net
Add: 3rd Floor, Building A, Mingjinhai Second Industrial Zone, Shiyan Street, Baoan, Shenzhen,Guangdong,China