OLED industry NovaLED and materials supplier Saint-Gobain's laboratory Saint-Gobain Recherche (SGR) announced that the two sides in a two-year high efficiency white OLED technology R & D cooperation plan, has obtained the patent development results, the two companies can the high efficiency of metal anode based production the feasibility of large area OLED.
The researchers SGR has developed a highly conductive transparent electrode, called Silverduct, the surface conductivity for traditional ITO (indium tin oxide Indium Tin Oxide) ten times; and the use of Novaled for PIN OLED OLED technology of high efficiency, which has been on the surface of large sample the area of the successful production. SGR and Novaled said that it is now possible to produce an area of up to 100cm2 of homogeneous OLED devices, such as the success of one shot, will be able to make large OLED light-emitting products easier to manufacture.
ITO coated glass makes the traditional production of large area OLED is difficult, because the capacity of the coated glass conduction current is limited to a few centimeters. Therefore, in order to produce a large area of OLED, the ITO layer must be covered with a thick metal mesh to avoid the distortion due to the ITO chip resistance (sheet resistance, usually 30Ohm/sq). The resistance of the new anode Silverduct is less than 4Ohm/sq, so it can produce large area OLED without metal mesh.
The two companies said that this invention is a very important progress, especially for transparent and bottom emitting type, will see the metal grid especially for the OLED. In addition, the Silverduct electrode without the characteristics of the metal mesh, may also significantly reduce manufacturing costs.
Source: China LCD network
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