Procurement project name: Forestry Bureau of Qinghai Province three full-color LED indoor display equipment
Bid number:
Bidding results: pre bid unit
Package pre bid supplier price million yuan (RMB)
Package Xining kooma Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 49.69
In bidding suppliers if there is any question please in January 19, 2009 17 in written form before (CIRC) to purchase or the Qinghai provincial government procurement center.
Purchaser: Forestry Bureau of Qinghai province Tel: 0971 - 6365004
Tender: Qinghai provincial government procurement center Tel: 0971 - 6150216
January 15, 2009
Contact: mack
Phone: 13332979793
Add: 3rd Floor, Building A, Mingjinhai Second Industrial Zone, Shiyan Street, Baoan, Shenzhen,Guangdong,China