Commissioned by the city of Tianjin in a district of Xiqing Yangliuqing, Tianjin District of Xiqing city government procurement center by inquiry procurement, in Xiqing District of Tianjin city Xiqing District of the city of Tianjin in a ">LED display purchase and installation of the project implementation of government procurement. Qualified bidders are welcome to participate in the tender.
A project name: Yangliuqing District of Xiqing city of Tianjin in a purchase and install LED display (item number: XQGPC-2009111)
Two tender content: LED display
Three, bidder qualification requirements:
(1) in China corporate registration, has the ability to bear civil liabilities independently; good business reputation and sound financial accounting system; in accordance with the contract with the necessary equipment and professional technical ability; have a good record of paying taxes and social security funds in accordance with the law; to participate in government procurement activities three years ago inside, no major illegal record in business activities; other conditions stipulated by laws and regulations.
(2) is operating within the scope of the supplier.
(3) with the procurement of goods supply capacity, can meet the procurement documents distribution and service requirements, implementation experience of similar projects, and has a good working performance and performance record.
(4): quality requirements in line with national standards for qualified products.
(5) the Commonwealth does not accept the tender bid.
Four, obtain the bidding document time, location and price of bidding documents: May 31, 2009 to 2009 06 month 4 days, daily 9:00-11:30, 14:30-16:30 (except legal holidays) in Tianjin District of Xiqing City Government Procurement Center (Xiqing District Road No. 5 the green room 117) access. The tender documents shall be priced at $100 each, and the fees will not be refunded if the bid is sold.
Five, scene time and place: the place designated procurement, procurement Tel: Wang Han, 13011380571; time: June 3, 2009 morning, 9:30.
Six, deadline and location: 06 2009 4 in the morning, before 9:30 in Tianjin District of Xiqing city government procurement center room 119.
Seven, opening time and location: 06 2009 4 August morning, 9:30 in Tianjin District of Xiqing city government procurement center room 119.
, eight other matters:
Bidding documents to be completed before the registration in the procurement office of Tianjin District of Xiqing city government.
Registration procedures are as follows:
Carrying business license (copy), tax registration certificate (copy), organization code certificate (copy), bank account certificate and a copy to the Tianjin city Xiqing District Road No. 5 the Green Finance Bureau registration room 219, Tel: 022-27913240.
Nine, procurement agency: Tianjin District of Xiqing city government procurement center
Address: Xiqing District of Tianjin City, the Green Road No. 5
Post encoding: 300380
Tel: 27937066
Fax Tel: 27937066
Contact: Mr.
Procurement unit: Xiqing District of Tianjin city in Yangliuqing
Procurement agency: Tianjin District of Xiqing city government procurement center
May 31, 2009
Contact: mack
Phone: 13332979793
Add: 3rd Floor, Building A, Mingjinhai Second Industrial Zone, Shiyan Street, Baoan, Shenzhen,Guangdong,China